TACKLE FOOTBALL REGISTRATION FOR PLAYERS AGED 9-13 YEARS IS NOW IN PROGRESS. Please e-mail your questions to southsideminorfootball@gmail.com
SSMFA In Brief

The purpose of the SSMFA is:

(a) To promote amateur football for youth aged seven (7) to eighteen (18) years.

(b) To provide practice equipment, protective equipment, uniforms and facilities for the athletes who participate as a part of the South-Side Minor Football Association.

(c) To train and equip the coaches and referees who are a part of the South-Side Minor Football Association.

(d) To act as an engine of growth for amateur football in the immediate area.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2016 Registration!

2016 Registration Under-Way

FREE Flag-Football!


2016 Flag Football Registration

Age: 9-11 Years (cannot turn 12 in 2016

Cost: FREE!

Commitment Required: We will accept the first sixty (60) players to register.  Players/Families must commit to attending ALL scheduled practices.

Registration Required: Dates for registration are Saturday February 13th, 20th and 27th 12:01-2:01 PM in the Dawghouse Football Facility located at the top of the John Barsby HS Student Parking Lot (Bruce Ave. Entrance).

Practices: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:01-7:01 PM beginning Tuesday, 1 March on School Field.

Games: Saturdays 11:01 AM to 12:31 PM beginning Sat. 5 March and ending Sat. 23 April.  We will also be playing 7 on 7 touch passing games on Saturdays 1-2 PM with players aged 12 and 13 yrs.  The cost is free but Registration IS Required on the above dates.

Flag Football: 

You supply:  A COMMITMENT TO ATTEND ALL PRACTICES and your own footwear/water bottle.

We supply: Mouthguard, Uniform, Coaching and a terrific opportunity To Get Better!


Again: The first sixty (60) players to sign-up at each level with their Parent/Guardian and who make the COMMITMENT to attend all practices, gain a spot on the roster.

**Of Note: We will also be conducting early registration for Fall 2016 TACKLE FOOTBALL on the above registration dates.  The cost for tackle football is $125.00 and it covers all protective equipment, practice and game uniforms.

We have two tackle football age groups:  Pee-Wee age 10,11 yrs (cannot turn 12 in 2016) and Jr. Bantam age 12,13 yrs (Cannot turn 14 prior to 1 Dec. 2016)

Fall Practices: Begin in early August with games beginning the week after Labour Day and lasting until Nov. Pee-Wee and week 3 November Jr. Bantam. 

See You All On Saturday!